Little White Lies launches a new membership program to support film independent journalism
There is now a way you can get even closer to the work we do at Little White Lies.
Since our inception in 2005, we pride ourselves on being able to offer a distinctive, impartial view on film culture, which covers the spectrum of massive commercial blockbusters to more intimate arthouse features, and everything else in between. We’ve combined passionate, honest journalism with beautiful design and illustration. We’ve produced thousands of stories and features, made almost 100 magazines, and run incredible events in the UK and around the world. But the media landscape is changing. Increasingly, it’s become a volatile and unstable place – so now we’re asking for your support.
That’s why we are introducing our new membership programme, which offers a selection of special perks and – more importantly – will help us to grow our unique brand of film journalism. If you love what we do, and wish to become a member, we have a few exciting things to offer.